We will gather together for the Opening & Session 1. Littles will gather separately for Sessions 2, 3, and 4 (Closing) in the Clubhouse.

Andrea Dagnall
Andrea Dagnall, an ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene with over fifteen years of dedication in children's ministry, embodies the spirit of the THRiVE conference. Andrea is passionately focused on empowering young people to thrive in their spiritual journeys. As a mother of three daughters, her personal life mirrors her professional mission, highlighting a deep-seated dedication to guiding children and youth towards a flourishing, resilient faith. Her approach is innovative, engaging, and deeply rooted in the belief that every child has the potential to grow, develop, and thrive in their relationship with God.
Littles Schedule
Friday Evening, March 14th
5:30 Doors Open
6:30 Sanctuary
8:15 Dessert
8:30 Clubhouse
Saturday Morning, March 15th
8:30 Doors Open
9:00 Clubhouse
10:30 Break
11:00 Clubhouse